IMT2723 - Haeusler 3 Roll LSAW Pipe Mill Line and JCO Pipe Mill Line
Brand : Haeusler
Installation Year : 1990
Haeusler 3 Roll LSAW Pipe Mill Line
1. Linsinger Double Ddge Milling Machine INC/PCR-System Siemens Sinumerik 840D/PCU20 For Plate Thickness 6.4mm - 35mm Plate Length 600mm -12,200mm Plate Width 1250mm - 4800mm 2. Haeusler 3 Roll Plate Bender PC-Control P561 CNC Program 7.9182K Pipe Length 6,000mm-12,200mm Pipe Diameter 406mm-1,524mm Plate Thickness 6,35mm-35mm Grade X70 3. Haeusler Post Bender System Software Profibus-FMS/DP Hilscher Pipe Length 6,000mm-12,200mm Pipe Diameter 406mm-1,524mm Grade X70 4. Haeusler Tack Welding Machine Pipe Length 6,000mm-12,200mm Pipe Diameter 406mm-1,524mm Plate Thickness 6,35mm-35mm Grade X70 5. 4 We Internal Welding Machine (Two Machines) Submerged Arc, 4/3 - Wire Internal Welding Hea Pipe Diameter 254mm-1828.8mm (10"-72") For Pipe Length 6,000mm-12,200mm Pipe Thickness 6mm-60mm Rittal TS with Profibus Interface S7-PLC Laser Seam Tracking System CP341 Welding Rectifier US-DC-1000 Welding Transformer US-AC-1500 6. 4 Wire External Welding Machine (Two Machines) Submerged Arc, 4/3- Wire Welding Head Pipe Diameter 254mm-1828.8mm (10"-72") Flux Exhausting and Re-Feeding 7. YXRAT GmbH Auto Digital X-Ray Machine Testing System Pipe Diameter 10"-72" Pipe Length 6m-15.3m Pipe Thickness Up to 50mm YXSY VOLT MG325 Industrial X-Ray Equipment
{Control Module MGC41
Bipolar X-Ray Tube Housing YTU 320D01
YXSY-Scan 2520 Digital Archiving and Image Enhancement8. Karl Deutsch Isnul-Echograph Auto UT Machine Pipe Diameter 10°-72" Pipe Length 6m-15.3m 1Lm-1T Pipe Thickness Up to 50mm 9. Haeusler Full Body Length Expander Machine and Prewash Pipe Length 6000mm-12,200mm Pipe Diameter 406mm-1,626mm Material 6.35mm-35mm Grade Up to x70 10. Paramotor Handels Hydrostatic Testing Machine Pipe Length 6000mm-12200mm Pipe Diameter 250mm- 1,829mm 11. Paramotor Handels Hydrostatic Testing Machine Pipe Length 6000mm-15000mm Pipe Diameter 250mm- 1,829mm Pipe Thickness 6.35mm-100mm 12. Paramotor Handels Bevelling Machine Pipe Length 6000mm-15000mm Pipe Diameter 250mm-1829mm Pipe Thickness 6.3Smm-100mm Material Grade Up to X70 IPLC control 13. Paramotor Handels Pickling System Pipe Length 6000mm-15000mm Pipe Diameter 250mm+1,829mm Pipe Thickness 6.35mm-100mm Material Grade Up to X70 JCO Pipe Mill Line
1. Linsinger Single Edge Milling Machine NC/PLC-System Siemens Sinumerik 840D/PCU20 For Plate Thickness 6.4mm - 100mm Plate Length 600mm -15000mm 2. GP Pre Bending Machine CNC Control Plate Length 6000mm-12200mm Plate Thickness 6.35mm-100mmmm Pipe Diameter 250mm-1829mm (20"-72") Material Grade Up to X70 3. Paramotor Handels Brake Press Machine 2500 Tons Pipe Length 6000mm - 15000mm For Pipe Diameter 250mm - 1829mm Pipe Thickness 6.35mm - 100mm Use as a Prebend For The 15,000mm JCO Press. 4. JCO Press Machine 5500 Tons Paramotor Handels Industri JCO Hydraulic Plate Bending Press 5,500Tons Infeed Anterior Plate Manipulators Outfeed Posterior Plate Manipulators CNC Control For Pipe Length 6000-12000mm For Pipe Diameter: 250-1829mm Material Grade Up to X70 (6,35-100mm) 5. JCO Press Machine 16,000 Tons Paramotor Handels Industri JCO Hydraulic Plate Bending Press 16,000 Tons Infeed Anterior Plate Manipulator Outfeed Posterior Plate Manipulator CNC Control For Pipe Length 6000-15000mm For Pipe Diameter 250-1829 mm Material Grade Up to X70 (6.35-100mm)