IMT2651 - DDS Forging Manipulator 20 ton
Brand : Dango & Dienenthal
Technical Specifications
Load Capacity 63 to. Tongs Clamping Moment 160 mt Tongs Opening Without Inserts 700-1.800 mm Round
700-1.600 mm Square
With Inserts 300-800 mm Round
400-800 mm Square
With Extension arms 320-2.800 mm Round / Square
Max. Outer Turning Diameter 3.740 mm (With Ext.arms) Min/Max. Tongs Center Height Above Rails 1.500 - 3000 mm Vertical Parallel Stroke of Tongs 1.500 mm Vertical Tilting angle of Tongs 17° up
Down to floor
Horizontal Side Shift of Tongs +/- 300 mm Horizontal Movement of Tongs in Forging Direction, Relatif to Carriage +/- 400 mm
Horizontal Slew Angle of Tongs +/- 5° Rail Track 4.500 mm Travel Distance 14.500 mm (variable) Overall Dimension (Approx) Width 6.400 mm Height 4.900 mm Length 14.500 mm Weight Approx. 235 to.